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Gastro Surgery & Treatment

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Surgical Gastroenterology has made phenomenal advances and has created a niche for itself, to keep in step with advances in medical Gastroenterology. At Dr Jivraj Mehta Smarak Health Foundation (Dr Jivraj Mehta Hospital), we have a multispeciality Department of Surgical Gastroenterology providing exclusive and comprehensive services to patients with complicated diseases of pancreas, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. This specialty deals with diseases arising from esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, bile duct and pancreas.

Gastro Surgery Procedures

  • Gastroscopy , Colonoscopy & ERCP
  • Stopping bloody vomiting / bleeding from back passage
  • Removal of a swallowed foreign body
  • Dilation of narrowed esophagus or intestine
  • Removal of polyp or early cancer from esophagus / stomach / intestines
  • Endoscopic examination and biopsy of small intestine (Terminal Ileoscopy)

Special Features for Gastro Surgery

  • Liver Clinic: a comprehensive clinic for patients with various liver diseases. People are screened who are at high risk for developing liver disease (diabetic and obese, regular alcohol consumers, sufferers of hepatitis-B & C and those with family history of liver diseases).
  • We provide preventive diagnostic endoscopy services to patients who are at high risk of developing gastro-intestinal cancers for various reasons like chronic tobacco chewing, smoking or chronic alcohol consumption and people with strong family history of gastro-intestinal cancers.
  • Comprehensive care is provided to patients who are suffering form intestinal tuberculosis, chronic diarrhoea, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, colon cancer, bleeding from back passage, chronic constipation and ano-rectal problems etc.
  • Laproscopic surgery for various gastro-intestinal or Hepato – Pancreatic – Biliary

Gall Bladder Surgery

Stones in the gall bladder can cause recurrent pain, belching after food, back pain or even shoulder pain. If left untreated, it can cause Jaundice or Pancreatitis, both very serious illnesses. Long standing gall stones can cause cancer of the gall bladder. Gall bladder removal (Cholecystectomy) is the only treatment. Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder gives rapid recovery.

Bile Duct Surgery

Jaundice is usually caused by viruses. However, if jaundice is due to blockage of the bite duct; either by stone, tumor or injury; Endoscopy or surgery can relieve it effectively with long lasting effects. Pancreatic Surgery Pancreas is an organ that secretes insulin. It can get affected by a disease called Pancreatitis, which is caused by alcohol, gall bladder stones, trauma, drugs, lipid problems etc. It can either develop stones in the duct or calcification in the parenchyma. It causes persistent pain or diarrhoea. Surgery can relieve this. Cancers of the pancreas can also be surgically treated with good results.

Liver Surgery

Liver is a unique organ with amazing power of regeneration. Upto 70% of liver can be removed to treat cancers of liver.

Portal Hypertension Surgery and Liver Cirrhosis

At times liver is damaged due to viruses, alcohol etc. This converts liver into the nodular structure and blood flow is directed through the abnormal channels. These patients can develop bloody vomiting or bloody diarrhoea, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, swollen feet and abnormal behavior. Best treatment for such condition is liver transplant. However, there are other surgical procedures which benefit these patients.

Obesity Surgery (Weight Reduction Surgery / Bariatric Surgery)

Surgery can also help reduce weight. These operations are not done for cosmetic purpose or as an alternative to diet restriction and exercise. The obesity surgery is helpful for those overweight people who have medical problems like high BP, diabetes, joint problems, asthma etc. Losing 20-30% of extra weight remarkably improves these diseases.

Surgery for Piles, Fissure, Fistula

Constipation is very common and leads to piles, fissure and fistula very often. These all can be treated effectively with the operation. Treatment of piles with a specially designed stapler gives painless & dressing-free outcome.

Hernia Surgery

Hernia is a weakness in the abdominal wall. It can happen either in the groin, near umbilicus or around previous operation scar. Surgical repair done with the synthetic mesh is the only treatment. This can be done by routine as well as laparoscopic approach.


Laparoscopy is done through a small incision (key hole) using long instrument while looking at the TV monitor. Advantages of this new way of doing operation include
  • Minimal pain
  • Faster recovery
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Early return to work & normal activity
  • Lesser risk of infection
  • Cosmetically superior
Surgery on gall bladder, appendix, hernia, bowel adhesions, hiatus hernia and rectal prolapse can also be done laparoscopically with very impressive results.

Cancer Surgery

All Cancers of the abdominal organs such as esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas, gall bladder & bile duct are curable or amenable to surgical resection with good results.

Other Surgery

  • Esophageal Surgery
  • Pouch surgery for Ulcerative Colitis
  • GI Fistula
  • Surgery for Abdominal Emergency cases
  • Critical surgical cases
  • High risk surgical cases
  • Re-operative surgery

Gastro Surgery Facilities Available

  • Separate & dedicated GI operation theatre
  • State of art set up for Advanced Laparoscopy
  • Dedicated Endoscopy Suite
  • Back up available from well trained & experienced super specialists
  • Medical Gastroenterologist / Hepatologist
  • Interventional Radiologist
  • Intensive care unit specialist
  • Infectious disease specialist
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Health Care has over 412 doctors working in over 72 different specialities to cater to patient needs.