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Pathology Services

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The Pathology Department at DR JIVRAJ MEHTA SMARAK HEALTH FOUNDATION (DR JIVRAJ MEHTA HOSPITAL)is well-equipped to carry out the latest test on patients and assist clinicians in evaluation and diagnosis of diseases.

Aided by state of the art fully automated instruments & highly skilled HPC registered biomedical scientists under constant supervision of consultant pathologist with a high quality assurance. DR JIVRAJ MEHTA SMARAK HEALTH FOUNDATION (DR JIVRAJ MEHTA HOSPITAL)Pathology provides near-perfect pathology services to all patients.

The Pathology Department provides a range of Pathology Services including:

  • Biochem, Immunoassay & Hormonal assay, Hematology & Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology, Microbiology services.
  • Along with highly specialized tests, all the routine tests like hemoglobin, complete blood counts, blood group, blood sugar, cholesterol, lipid profile, thyroid function tests, liver function tests, renal function tests, test for malaria, dengue, urine, stool, pap smear, PSA etc. are also available in different packages.
  • Services are available for indoor as well as outdoor patients.
  • Facilities for home visit available round the clock for all.

DR JIVRAJ MEHTA SMARAK HEALTH FOUNDATION (DR JIVRAJ MEHTA HOSPITAL) Microbiology is one of its kind offering an overall microbiology workup from basic stains and basic cultures to specialized stains including fluorescence stain and fastidious cultures with automated systems. The microbiology department offers drug sensitivity with automated system and MIC values.

DR JIVRAJ MEHTA SMARAK HEALTH FOUNDATION (DR JIVRAJ MEHTA HOSPITAL) Microbiology also offers state-of-the-art molecular microbiology with the high end fully automated gene sequencer.

The Department is well equipped for conducting clinical trials and research projects for all consultants.

Experienced Microbiologists are available for regular patient interactions. With Services available round the clock,DR JIVRAJ MEHTA SMARAK HEALTH FOUNDATION (DR JIVRAJ MEHTA HOSPITAL) Microbiology stands strong to support the clinician.

Dr. Jivraj Mehta Health Care has over 412 doctors working in over 72 different specialities to cater to patient needs. Book Appoinment at Pathology Laboratory in Vasna Ahmedabad, Pathology Laboratory in Juhapura Ahmedabad. Call us at 83205 43772, 91-79-26639839 / 26639843. We do Biochem, Immunoassay & Hormonal assay, Hematology & Clinical Pathology, Histopathology & Cytology, Microbiology services, all the routine tests like hemoglobin, complete blood counts, blood group, blood sugar, cholesterol, lipid profile, thyroid function tests, liver function tests, renal function tests, test for malaria, dengue, urine, stool, pap smear, PSA etc. are also available in different packages.
Our Doctors
Dr. Jivraj Mehta Health Care has over 412 doctors working in over 72 different specialities to cater to patient needs.