The Founder
With the daring to dream and the commitment to transform it into continuous reality from early childhood, Ratubhai Adani heartbeats echoed sensitively to the aspirations of his people. His patriotic independence propelled him to be deeply involoved in India freedom movement.
He actively participated in many events and made a name for himself as a capable organizer and selfless worker. Ratubhai Adani Marched in the pioneering dandi satyagrah and carried the torch of the freedom struggle to other regions of the country. He was closely associated with the great leaders of the time and converted his watchful admiration into useful learning. This served him well life for the uplifment of the people.
Ratubhai Adani was an intitution builder. He recognized and successfully practiced the difficult art of total resources Management. He attracted funds, talent, professional and volunteers who willingly extended their full support to his cause.
Ratubhai Adani inspired confidence and commitment. Followers flocked to offer their services because of the faith that he could generate. His activities flowed along the path of human development wheather it was relief from the suffering or the dignity of earning or eradicatio of poverty or empowerment against exploitation.
Today his followers strongly symbolizing the tribute they are paying to his carry his mission forward to serve the humanity. Ratubhai Adani Remains alive in every greatful cell of cured patients, thankful beneficiaries, and dedicated inheritors, as a shinning symbol of mans eternity in the memory and hearts of his fellowmen